Tuesday 16 June 2009

Hey, Whats Been Happening?

I've been keeping a pretty low profile over the last few months, apart from an occasional blog and the odd tweet it probably looks like i've completely disappeared. Put simply i've been busy, you may know that i've been working on a new EP, that in itself has taken longer than i'd hoped but its more or less ready now. The main bulk of my time lately has been taken up with college coursework.

In case you didn't know i've spent the last two years studying music production at Access To Music in Bristol (CMP level 3), and its finally close to finished. For the record i should be on for a distinction. :) The whole course has been truly great, my production skills have improved significantly as has my own source of inspiration and sense of direction, next year i'm going to be taking the ADP level 4 course at Access To Music BANM in London which should be interesting and hopefully equally rewarding. For what its worth though i would highly recommend the CMP course for anyone interesting in making tunes, its government funded which means it costs next to nothing to do which is even better. Visit the website here.

Anyway, the last few months have been pretty hectic with a serious amount of coursework being due, the EP i have been promising has tied in with one particular unit at college, although thats done and dusted i felt like i needed to take a break for a couple of weeks before revisiting it and fixing a few fundamental problems with a couple of the tracks, i've also taken this as an opportunity to improve upon my mastering.

Honestly, i'm really quite pleased with how this new material sounds, its miles ahead from the demo-quality stuff i knocked out on Prelude (i'll talk more about that some other time) and a lot more dancefloor orientated. The beats are heavier and there's no pianos this time. I'm looking forward to getting it out there. I won't be releasing it as a freebie this time though, i wanna get it signed and out to a wider audience, we'll see how that goes.

I have got a free track i'll upload over the next few days though, its a collaboration i did at college with Danny Unkut featuring Ruth Royall on vocals and a few other guest players, its a bit slower than everything else but i hope you like it.

Aside from that, i'm working on a new website. If you've visited the current one, you'll notice that it hasn't changed much over the last 6 months. The new website is wordpress based and will become my main blog (i'll continue using the MySpace blog but i'll probably ditch the blogspot one). Aside from that, i will attempt to finish the Virtual Reality blog series i started and semi-abandoned over the next few weeks. Finally, i've also got a little bootleg project that i'll be unleashing this summer which i hope everyone will like.

Anyway, now i've got a bit more time to chill you will probably hear a lot more from me. The sun's out and summer's here at last, no more complaining about the weather. Take it easy.

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