Saturday 11 October 2008

Its been a while....

I haven't really posted anything for a while, except of course to mention the release of Prelude which you should download if you haven't already. Its not that i have become any less opinionated of late cos i haven't, its just really been a matter of finding the time to sit down and have a bit of rant about the world or the weather!

For what its worth i've been quite busy. Promoting this EP has taken up a lot of my spare time and i'm still trying to get some new material together. Actually this is all a bit of a learning curve for me. Simply sticking some tunes up on the various sites is clearly not enough and directing people to them is not as easy as i'd hope. I guess i make this all more difficult for myself by trying to be a little different in the music i make. Avoiding genres makes it hard to define my tunes in anything but the vaguest of ways, it also makes it harder to find a specific audience. But it seems that i've had some good feedback which always helps.

Well, theres not really a lot more for me to say right now so i will finish by saying thanks to everyone that has downloaded Prelude, i sincerely hope that you enjoy it. I'll be back posting more of my own thoughts about stuff very soon.

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