Tuesday 5 August 2008

I hate this weather

What a shit state this country is in. Fuel is more expensive than ever, food prices are rising, the cost of living is getting higher all the time, all the while the value of the things we own is diminishing rapidly. On top of that we have a government led by a man who has hardly endeared himself to the public. The only thing we have to look forward to is our basic human right to a bit of sunshine in the summer.

Fat chance of that then. As if we dont have to put up with long enough winters in this country the general state of the last summer and this one so far has led me to feel like we are stuck in some sort of perpetual state of misery. Grey is the colour of our lives it seems.

The problem is that we endure the wet and cold for months on end, always looking forward to that little bit of release we get when it all gets a little bit nicer and we chill out in the park, go to a few festies and free parties and actually enjoy our lives for a couple of months before it all gets horrible again.

What happens when that release never comes? We are all imprisoned in some sort of nightmare world of grey. The tensions start to show everywhere around us. Sure, its a very British thing to endure the weather, thats one thing that defines our nation but it doesnt mean we have to like it. They say the eskimos have hundreds of different words for snow. How many different words do we have for rain? Drizzle, spitting, pissing/chucking/bucketing it down, raining cats and dogs, theres a whole lot more that we probably all make up as we go along.

We all like to moan about the weather in this country, thats because its shit and its controls our lives more than any government or corporation ever could. Surely all this rain can not be good for our spirits, i know its not good for me. Once again, i feel like the rest of the world are laughing at us and our pathetic little wet empire. And we sent our criminals over to Australia! Fucking genius!!! How happy are they over there? Its bloody winter in Oz and its probably still nicer there.

Well, i guess i shouldn't forget that its all our fault. Carbon emissions, climate change, we brought this upon ourselves. Is it too late? Who knows or cares anymore? All this misery breeds apathy. I suppose we can hope for a white christmas, but i have a sneaky suspicion that it will be wet and grey.

The future's dull, the future's grey. Accept it!!

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