Friday, 25 April 2008

Shitty Internet Explorer

So, i've bin somewhat neglecting my myspace for a while now. Probably got something to do with the time i had the misfortune to be using internet explorer for some web boredom. what the fuck is wrong with my page on it? All the colours are the wrong way round, black n white negatives and shit!!!! The transparency is all wrong too.

Internet explorer is shit! I dont wanna get all techy geeky about this but its true, the fact that the vast majority of people suffer this browser on a day to day basis is a real shame. I dare say that a number of people are unaware of the alternatives (i wont bother mentioning Safari beyond this point cos Macs are a completely different subject that i may well complain about another day).

At the risk of sounding like i'm after some kind of sponsorship deal i have to emphasise how great a program firefox is. Fully customaizable, and 10 times more secure. But thats enough blatant plugging.

I cant help but feel the problem is to do with the shitty commercial capitalist nature of society. By some degree of laziness and ignorance the really good quality programs get ignored in favour of the "industry standard" corporate crap fed to us by the likes of Microsoft and a load of equally bad companies. Firefox is a perfect example of a FREE program that is ignored by the masses happy to have there day-to-day choices decided for them by the establishment. How many of you lot have got Norton on your PC? Another piece of shit commercial application, that not only drains a big chunk of your CPU but can replaced by better quality FREE alternatives.

Theres another attitude that exists aswell, if its free it must be crap! Like the quality of something directly relates to its price. Or worse still, if you aint heard of it it must be crap, like the advertisers never lie!! Lurking behind all the corporate bullshit that dominates the www, there is a massive community of people that make programs and share programs freely, simply because they want to. I'm not talking about cracked copies of overpriced software on piratebay. Im talking about genuine free stuff, made by people who do it for the love. Heres another good site for free bits of techiness: snapfiles

Enough of this advertising on my part, not that i get anything out of this except the pleasure of possibly making someones internet experience better. My point being that we shouldnt just settle for the crap thats fed to us by the corporate industry, the internet offers a place for everyone to be free of that shit, and its not hard to find. Free software is only a small part of this, look at all the good music people are sharing happily online without the all the bullshit of the music biz.

This aint a "Fuck the Establishment" rant, just a little encouragement for people to delve a little deeper online and see whats going on behind the scenes, cos thats where the best stuff is.

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